Back acne, Heal With Natural Ingredients

Back acne is a very inconvenient thing for people in general, acne again that we never realized the cause of back acne. Who does not stress when acne appears. Back acne is very disturbing in the activity may not cause the important thing but of course, his mental on any acne sufferers decline.

Acne contained in the area of ​​the skin of the back is very thick and then produce sebaceous glands. The impact of acne scars on the skin that looks ugly. And this is very disturbing in every life you.

The way out of the problem they are experiencing from long-lost acne, even difficult to eliminate it is the biggest problem in their lives. Avoiding from the cause of the onset of acne is very good for them. Just a simple home remedy may help to get rid of acne that returns to the skin.

4 ways from natural ingredients to back acne:

Back acne 2017

1. Sea salt 3 cups, bathtub and sea salt

Instructions for work steps: Bathtub first filled with warm water and add sea salt. And soak 

yourself more or less for 20 to 30 minutes. And after the bath is done, apply a light moisturizer. And if the skin looks oily you do not need to use anything. Just by waiting for dry or can be pat. Acne in the skin area of ​​the bed is different depending on the acne of each skin. You may repeat this process once or twice a day. By applying this action expecting help can help quickly.

2. honey & Epsom salts

Honey: prepare plain oatmeal only 3 tablespoons, honey 2 to 3 tablespoons and water.

Epsom Salt: 1-2 cups, bath tub

Step 1 #
First, cook the oatmeal with enough water then add the honey. Wait until cool, and can be used for back acne mask. After applying a back acne mask wait for 15 to 21 minutes and wash with warm water.

Step 2 #
The tub is filled with warm water and adds the Epsom salt. Then soak yourself for a few minutes only about 16-31 minutes. Make sure not to use soap in the water. After taking a bath using this Epsom salt, you need to drink plenty of water.

3. apple cider vinegar

water, apple cider vinegar, and the spray bottle.
Step work: To fill the water mixture into a spray bottle that has been mixed apple cider vinegar 

and water in a ratio of 1: 2. Before bedtime squirts on acne. And this can also be used in the day as well. After spraying wait a few minutes 10-20 minutes then wash. And cotton can also be used as a tool to apply mixed water on acne.

4. Tea tree oil

Prepare: one glass of white water and tea tree oil can be 2 to 3 tablespoons.

Working step: pour water into the container and add tea tree oil. After this mixture then apply 

this liquid can use a cotton ball behind the acne. For maximum results can be repeated twice a day. And you can also treat acne before bedtime. Keep the mixture long-term into the bottle.

Maybe it's a simple natural ingredient recipe, which can be obtained at home.

It may help those who are experiencing acne on the skin area.

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